- Viva Vitalis
- Viva Romance PS
- Vitalos
- Vintage
- Vigodance GS
- V Power
- Total PS
- Tie Break
- Straight Horse Leonardo
- Senegal de Fontaine
- Sebastino PS
- Seacrest
- Proud James
- One to Remember
- Olesko
- Meganus PS
- Lord Europe
- La Paix
- Global Amour
- Furious
- Fuerst Zonik PS
- Fire and Ice
- Extreme US
- Expectation PS
- Especial for Fun Z
- Escanto PS
- Escamillo
- Elastic
- Dynamic Gold GE
- Dynamic Dancer
- Dourking Hero Z
- Donation PS
- Diaron
- Diallasco Blue PS
- Diablue PS
- Debutant PS
- Daan G
- Conthalor Blue PS
- Come and catch me Z
- Chaloubino PS
- Challasco Blue PS
- Chacord GB
- Chacfly PS
- Chaccothage Blue PS
- Casco Blue PS
- Bronzite
- Be Sure
- Atmo und Personen
* Alle Preise inkl. der gesetzlichen MwSt.